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Medical Planning

Types of Insurance

Life Insurance provides a vital role in Personal and Business Planning. As, independent agents, we have the ability to “shop” the market looking for the best coverage options and pricing based on your unique situation. Whether you are looking for Term Life, Whole Life or Universal Life Insurance, allow us the opportunity to put together a proposal from one of our carriers.

Medical has changed with the passing of the Affordable Care Act or better known as “Obamacare”. This law and the affects it has had on the health insurance marketplace are substantial. We have the ability to navigate your options whether it be an Individual Medical Plan for you and your family; A Short Term Medical Plan for a Gap in coverage you are up against or a Small Business Health Plan for you and your employees, give us a call and let us advise you of your options.

Medicare Planning as a resut of being eligible for Medicare by age or disability, requires an adviser that is familiar with the many nuances of Medicare and a Medicare Beneficiaries many options when it comes to Medical and Prescription Drug Coverage. With over 25 years of experience in this field, let us help you work through these options and determine which program works best for you when considering coverage, access to acre and budget.

Long Term Care: The statistics don’t lie; the majority of us are going to face a Long Term Care situation in our lifetimes. With the advances in Medicine, we are living longer and that is a great benefit but it also means the potential for care later in life either in the Home, Assisted Living or Nursing Home is very real. The question is; How long? Self Insuring a short term needs is fine but a long term need due to a Cognitive Impairment like Alzheimer’s/ Dementia or a Stroke, could wipe out assets that were both earmarked for Retirement and/or Legacy Giving. Let us show you some of the options available for someone to “partner” with an insurance company to protect against at least 1/2 of the cost of care down the road. This approach makes planning more affordable and allows Assets to last longer and eventually be bale to be passed down to the next generation. We represent multiple insurance carriers and have programs involving lump sum leverage partnering or pay as you go premium partnering.

Types of Insurance

Annuties: THe benefits Annulties and Specifically Fixed or Indexed Annuties provide is remarkable. Protection of principal is key later in life but you also want to earn a competitive interest rate with no loads/fees without risking a loss; Annuities are the answer. We have programs available that provide protection with the ability to earn more competitive rate than typically available through Banks clients only with carriers that our consumer friendly when it comes to interest rates and terms of withdraw so as not to put clientsin a pickle when it comes to accessing their funds. Let us sgare with you some of the programs that have been most popular with our clients and see if one of these programs may be right for you.

Disability: Incurring a Disability from illness and/or Accident can cause financial ruin for you and your family. Social Security may provide some protection against loss of Income from a Disabling Event but realize many claims take years for approval and some may never be approved. Having your Own Disability Insurance Policy, allows you peace of mind knowing you will have steady checks/deposits coming in while you recuperate from an illness/injury and are unable to work. Even insuring the big items like Mortgage Payments, Car Loans, Food and Utilities will provide a huge benefiy to you and your family. Let us know if we can help.

More Information

  • Life Insurance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Medical Planning
  • Long Term Care
  • Annuities
  • Disability

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